How to Record Your NDIS Providers: A Quick Guide

With the introduction of the NDIA's new PACE system, you might have heard about ‘endorsing’ or ‘recording’ providers. Ivy Psychology have broken down what all of this means and how to record/endorse providers.

What Does Endorsing a Provider Mean?

In PACE, endorsing a provider means that an NDIS participant (or their nominee) records the providers they regularly work with as part of their NDIS plan. Once endorsed, these providers, known as ‘my providers,’ are paid more swiftly and can access parts of your NDIS plan with your consent.

Do You Need to Record ‘My Providers’?

If your NDIS plan is on the PACE system and if you access supports like behaviour support, you will need to record Ivy Psychology under ‘my providers.’ If you self-manage your supports, recording providers is optional.

Recording Ivy Psychology as ‘My Providers’

1. List Ivy Psychology and any other providers that you want to record, including their NDIS provider numbers and names.

  • Ivy Psychology’s details are -

    • Official Business Name: Ivy Psychology Pty Ltd

    • ABN: 95 667 402 128

    • NDIS Provider Number: 4050138847

2. Do this by contacting your ‘my NDIS’ representative (e.g., Local Area Coordinator) or call the NDIS national contact centre at 1800 800 110 to share your choices.

What to say when endorsing Ivy Psychology


I am calling to endorse a provider on my current plan. 

I’m a [participant/plan nominee] and my NDIS number is [your NDIS number]. 

I believe my NDIS plan is on the PACE system, and I would like to endorse Ivy Psychology as my [psychology/behaviour support] provider.

Ivy Psychology’s registration number is 4050138847.

Please endorse Ivy Psychology from [plan start date], which is the start date of my current plan. 

Can you please let me know that the endorsement is complete? 

Changes to Service Bookings

In the new PACE system, recording a provider replaces the need for service bookings, simplifying the process of managing your supports. If you have always been on the PACE system, service bookings is how the NDIS used to do things, and the plan is to roll all participants over to the PACE system.

Need Help?

PACE is a new system that is still evolving. For assistance, reach out to Ivy Psychology at or call 0405 944 637. We are here to help you navigate these changes and get you the support you need.

You can also read the NDIS Fact Sheets about the PACE system:


What to Expect When Accessing a Behaviour Support Practitioner for the First Time with Ivy Psychology